Ming Way was born and raised on a small farm in China. Enriched by this childhood experience of helping her parents tend to plants, domestic animals and chickens, little Ming developed her natural tendency to view the self and nature as interconnected One. This incipient philosophy of life was profoundly confounded by her androcentric, hierarchical upbringing.
Dr. Ming Way received her doctorate in East Asian Studies from the University of Arizona. After years of teaching young minds language and culture in college, she saw the root problem in herself and many others. It is the inner struggle of our natural dispositions versus social orientations.
Awakened, she launched a spiritual search for self-discovery, self-liberation, and life fulfillment. Through The Taoish Way, Dr. Ming Way shares her spiritual enlightenment with all artistic souls trapped by intelligent minds in a postmodern society.
Standing on a unique platform buttressed by Eastern philosophy and modern physics, Dr. Ming Way illuminates energy dynamics and transformation in Love & Fear, Self & Others, Essential vs Viral, Free & Will, Now & Then, Knowledge & Experience, Contextual alignment, Meaning and more.